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True Sex Stories: Anal Sex


True Sex Stories: Anal Sex"Lube saturated my ass and his finger pushed inside again and I was moaning with every in and out. When his finger left I felt his cock press against the tightness of my ass."

on my stomach i laid, wearing new satin-like black panties. he was beside me with a hand rubbing the material against my ass and i was being drawn to him like a magnet. fingers started to rub the crevice pushing against my asshole and linger down my cunt. my breath quickened when he pushed the fabric aside and pushed a finger inside my cunt. i let out a whimper as he pushed against my g-spot. his finger slipped out and rubbed against the entrance to my ass. carefully his finger pushed inside and i shuddered feeling the wetness seep. he was working my ass to accommodate his cock and i stayed still feeling each push and pull.

my panties were pulled down and off and i started to pant in anticipation. i was so nervous and yet so excited; i had been waiting for this moment for years and with him. lube saturated my ass and his finger pushed inside again and i was moaning with every in and out. when his finger left i felt his cock press against the tightness of my ass. i gasped as he methodically pushed the head of his cock inside and we stayed still as it crept every so steadily. when i felt the pain cease i slammed my ass back against and i think that threw him off a little yet that split second of confusion resulted in him thrusting in and out of me.

all of my focus on the cock pushing in and out of my ass. my head buried into the bed, my hands gripping at the sheets and i was in ecstasy. this very moment i had been fantasizing about as i watched porn, masturbated and written.

"fuck me!" i said over and over.

he fucked my ass harder and the wetness was pooling in my cunt.

"cum in my ass," i chanted. his body was shaking as i breathlessly recited.

his hands gripped my ass and i tightened my ass around his cock.

"cum in my ass," i cried into the mattress.

the shaking became more violent as his cock let loose his seed deep in my virgin ass. his body fell upon mine and i locked my legs around him keeping him in my ass till his cock inched out. we panted together in unison as his cock leisurely fell out of my ass.

i love being fulfilled and more over, i love when he satisfies my desires.

Republished with permission from Dark Gracie. Want to see your true tale of lust on Fleshbot? Contact us. Photo by John B. Root.

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