In response to the devastating wildfire crisis in Maui, Grooby has initiated a special fundraiser to contribute to Lahaina’s ongoing emergency relief efforts. The award-winning trans production company was based in Hawaii for over a decade and relocated to Los Angeles in 2010.
Grooby is proud to announce that they will be donating 100% of their sales proceeds when fans sign up for a special membership for,,, or The membership pricing is as follows:
- $45 for a 45-day membership (worth $60)
- $75 for a 45-day membership
- $100 for a 45-day membership
This tiered pricing allows dedicated fans to donate extra toward relief efforts with a single payment membership that does not rebill. This fundraiser will run until the end of August.
“We’re shocked at seeing what is going on with the fires in Maui,” stated Grooby CEO, Steven Grooby. “Grooby, although started in Europe, really grew when in Hawaii, and many of our staff were either born there or spent a large portion of their lives. Shannon, Kristel, Frank, Gus, Alex, and our ex-designer Dev were all hired for our Honolulu office and we’ve had many other staff over the years. We all still have friends and family in Hawaii. Hawaii holds a very special place in my life, it’s where my business grew, it’s where I forged friendships that have lasted a lifetime, it was my home for over 12 years, it was where I met my wife, and where my son was born. Our hearts go out to those who have lost their families, homes, and lives.”
The wildfire in Maui has caused widespread destruction, displacing families and endangering local communities. Grooby recognizes the urgency of supporting those affected and is committed to making a positive impact through its philanthropic initiative.
Grooby’s Creative and Editorial Director, Kristel Penn, was born and raised in Hawaii. She stated, “I frequented Maui often as a teenager from Oahu, participating in extracurricular activities in school. I adventured there and cultivated friendships there throughout my lifetime. And although Hawaii is technically made up of eight separate islands, we consider ourselves to be part of the same local community. The ‘Aloha Spirit’ is something you see back home, especially during crises like these, with strangers helping each other like we are all family, and it’s something that I carry with me even after moving to Los Angeles. Grooby has strong roots in Hawaii, so it’s only natural that it’s our time to help.”
Grooby added, “Please consider donating at the links at the end of this message – or take one of the special memberships we’re offering where 100% of the income will be passed directly to the causes helping there. We’ll also ask our billing companies to take a rate reduction only on this campaign, so even more, money can get to the people who need it.”
Charities we will be dispursing funds to:
- Maui-Strong
- Maui Foodbank
You can follow Grooby on Twitter (X) at @GroobyGirls.